Welcome to Area51Gaming

We are proud to finally launch a long overdue update to our website and the first of many updates for Area51 Gaming overall. This is a significant milestone in what has been a long process that unfortunately delayed the release longer than anyone here at Area51 Gaming would have liked. While our old website served us well (for nine years) we felt that it was time for a total revamp and re-design.
With that being said, it is with great pleasure to introduce you to our new website. In keeping with our two previous iterations, we opted to go for a more high-tech alien feel with a more vibrant color scheme and a strong emphasis on everything Area51 and social media, which has become more important in recent years. The new website features all the same great features that you were accustomed to on the old website such as user profiles, news, and match history. In addition the website now features social media login, social media feeds on your user profiles and a new live search (for profiles and articles), Over the next several weeks we will be adding additional features such a dedicated streams section and streams on your individual user profiles among other things.
Not to worry all the old content including your usernames/accounts have been brought over. To reactivate your account simply use the Forgot Password link in the Member Sign-In section, update your password and then edit/update your profile and your account will be re-activated.
As with any new website launch from the ground up we are very aware that there still might be some issues/bugs here and there. If you are experiencing any strange behavior or errors please let us know by sending an email to [email protected].