CS:S Roster Update and Interview

Counter-Strike: Source makes a come back with Daemos leading another group of talented individuals back in to ESEA. Daemos took a season off because he's whipp.... er for personal reason after his marriage (I can say these things I just got married myself). Daemos has spent quite a bit of time and effort picking the guys on his team, and every one he's had so far has been successful, we're glad to have them back. I sat down with Digital- and asked him a few questions and here's what he had to say.

What brings you back to Area51Gaming ?
 I am back because the CSS division is being run by someone who has two brain cells to rub together. Before it was run by another player, I wont name names, who thought my attitude towards winning was to strong and I didnt take into consideration the feelings of other players. (felt like i was playing with Oprah and doctor phil) I also had a run in with the so called kid prodigy who was on our team at the time. who turned out to be the biggest bust i have ever seen. So i left the team after the placing 2nd at ZPE/ winning ESEA-IM/doing bad in the cevo p season.

What are you looking forward to the most this coming season?
 I am looking forward to playing with Josh (Daemos) again since I haven't played with him for two seasons. I am excited to see how this new setup for our lineup is going to work. I am looking forward to winning open and going straight to invite and putting Area 51 right back where it belongs.

 Are you discouraged because you have to start in open?
I should be but I am not. Since we are working with people who haven't had the chance to play together it is always nice to have a season in a lower league to build chemistry and work out the kinks. This will give us a chance to really test the waters of what we are comfortable with strat wise. Also who isn't into winning free money? haha

How is the chemistry, do you have experience with the guys you're playing with?
 I only have experience with Josh (Daemos) I feel he and I have the same kind of attitude towards the game and when he approached me about starting up another team under the Area51 name we sort of worked together and hand picked our players on who we thought would work best for us. Right now the chemistry is great. as stated before we have come across a new way to play this game. It is a new system for all of us to learn and it will be interesting to see how well it works out for us.

What'd you learn from previous seasons you're bringing with you this season?
 Teamwork is something I have been stressing since day one. I have learned through the years you can have the best shot the best smarts the best nade placement but if you are lacking in the teamwork department you are going to go nowhere in this game.

Can you give me a break down of the team, people's strong points, guns, etc.?
Josh "Daemos" Hayes is our hybrid he uses it all ak/m4/awp. He has experience and knowledge of the game that only a few have.

Jon "shredder" Hayes is one of our primary riflers m4/ak he brings great aim and again he has a vast knowledge like his brother on how the game should be played. he is a great deagler on our save rounds as well

Jr "Digital-" Madrigal is the other primary rifler ak/m4 on our team. He has been said to have great communication and teamwork as well as a descent shot. He stresses everything we as a team need to work on to get better and is not shy of letting you know when you messed up.

Dan "freeway" Werth is the teams support player. He has developed his trade kill ability over the past month or so. He is the one you can rely on to have a smoke to defuse the bomb and someone to tradekill like no other to keep the round as even as possible

Ryan "talc" Stambaugh is the teams primary awper. He has great confidence in his shot and his ability to play the game. Ryan brings great communication to the team as well. He is the one who gets us pumped up to play and has that never say die attitude. He will take any situation with the odds against you and make you feel like you have the upper hand to win.

What are the teams LAN plans for this year?
 We have Lan ETS planned for this year. ETS is the largest Source lan in all of North America. I personally have plans of running 3 more lans this year out in New Jersey where I live. I hope our team can make it to one of my lans.

You attend ETS almost yearly, what brings you back?
 For one the competition. You have Dynamic who is #2 team in the world from Canada that attends. You have 3-4 other invite teams/pugs that attend. As well as Esea main/im/open teams that come from all over US and Canada to attend. to compare it to something familiar ETS is our CPL. The total number of teams right now with 3 months to go is around 28. Also the prize pots is a descent size for source

What do you think of the recent updates to the game effecting gameplay?
 66 tic filled out the smokes sped up walking they changed peekers advantage changed flashlights added cross hairs features and multi core rendering support.

Ares: Explain all that more in detail

The guns fired faster on 100 tic they changed the gun fire rate to make it even faster so when they brought it down to 66 tic we didn't feel the difference. In source there was a peekers advantage: Where the person who peeks first no matter what situation, the opponent holding the angle would get seen first. So a lot of peeking back and fourth behind corners have now stopped. They filled out smokes to the point where you can no longer stand in them and fire at silhouettes of models,
you can now use smokes to block out the whole view of the enemy. They have been used in the strategy of smoking the bomb and defusing because now no one can see into it. This causes meyham for people trying to cover the bomb and running blind into smoke to kill the defuser or did the defuser fake it and it now waiting outside the smoke for you to go in and see you caught on the outer edge of the smoke. It makes the game feel more team work oriented more so now than ever.

What do you like and dislike from those updates?
 I love them all, lol,  makes the game feel the way it should, I played 1.6 before source and it gives it more of a 1.6 feel.

Any final thoughts, or shoutouts?
 Shoutout to all my fans and fans of Area51. I want to thank area51 for everything they have done for me in the past. Thank you Ares for this interview. Shoutout to all the other Area51 division and Area51.css wishes you guys the best of luck.

Good luck guys!!

 Counter-Strike: Source Lineup:

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