Area51 Squares off against top NA Teams in ISTL

Press Release from iMp website:
Indie StarCraft Team League Showcases Rising eSports Talent
Indie StarCraft Team League Showcases Rising eSports Talent
hosted by iMpulse eSports, Relentless Heroes brings together eight teams in a
six week online challenge.
watching the StarCraft 2 stars of today at Major League Gaming's Winter
Championship this weekend, check out the future stars of tomorrow in iMpulse
eSports' Indie StarCraft Team League.
On Tuesday,
March 26 at 8 p.m. the Indie StarCraft Team League will begin its first season
as eight teams battle for $100 in prizes and bragging rights to be one of
StarCraft 2's top trending clans.
eSports (iMp) has invited Relentless Heroes (RH), Team Nightmares (NMxTeam),
Clan Overdose (OD), Future Talent Art Control Team (FTaCT), Team aIR (aiR),
Multitude Gaming (MxG) and Area 51 (Area) for the league's first campaign.
StarCraft 2 community is extremely large and still growing. Currently there are
a small number of pro teams that everyone likes to follow, however there is at
the same time a large number or semi-pro teams with some great talent trying to
make it to the next level," iMp Owner Ed Grubb said. "ISTL looks to promote
these teams and take a deeper look into the players and the mangers behind the
Matches will
be casted on iMpulse eSports' streams (http://www.own3d.tv/iMpStream and http://www.own3d.tv/iMpStream1 ) on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next six weeks and will
begin at 8 p.m. on competition nights.
nights will feature the teams from Pool A which includes iMpulse, Area 51, Clan
Overdose and Future Talent Art Control. On Thursday Pool B will do battle with
Team Nightmares, Multitude Gaming, Relentless Heroes and Team aiR filling in
the second group.
Games will
be played in a best-of-seven, King of the Hill style with the losing team
picking a new player and map after a loss. Upon completion of the group stage,
the top two teams from each group will advance to a double elimination finals
Adding to
the "indie" flavor of the tournament is a group of young casters looking to
make a name for themselves just like the players they'll be commentating for.
In the mix
to lend their voices to the ISTL are Relentless Heroes' Pyronia and iMpulse's
Joker along with many other fledging casters.
"We organized the event in part with Relentless
Heroes so viewers will be seeing casters from both RH and iMp. The main caster
coming out of RH is going to be Pyronia. She is an amazing caster with a great
voice that I know all the guys out there love," Grubb said. "From iMp we will
be looking for Joker to hold it down. Joker has always had a great talent for
casting and a great sense of humor that fans enjoy. We will also be giving
countless other casters a chance too. We want ISTL to be all about up-and-comers
in all areas of the SC2 scene."
For further
information on the Indie StarCraft Team League, please visit www.impulseesports.com for full rosters, map pool details, tournament rules,
information about participating teams and more.


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